Gang Affiliated Black Men Are A Danger To Women

The truth is easy to say when you’re not afraid of being called racist.

Gang culture represents a large part of the collective in the Black community and it’s treated as a non violent factor in the quality of life for all Americans. People don’t lock their doors and carry guns because they’re afraid of a gang of toddlers robbing them. People carry guns mostly for other men and if we get really specific in large cities, we can point to Black men who join gangs and associate with gangs more than any race in America.

These men may not be in Beverly Hills but they are in neighborhoods with single mothers and black women who are associated with them via family relations. If the general public is afraid of them and would rather they not be near their place of business and parks, it isn’t hard to grasp why a growing number of Black women like me are publicly denouncing Black American male culture.



Never Show Respect To Ghetto Thug Men


Dear Angry Black Parents, Stop Traumatizing Our Future.