They Get Mad When I Say “A Lot Of Black Men" Too


So people have this “why don't you say '“Not all?” When in reality I have clearly articulated that it is not ALL several times.

So I decided ok what is better, “some?” Or “many?” Well a lot is a lot and more than 100 Black rapists is a lot and more than 1000 Black rapists is a ton. So honestly what is the world's problem? There are in FACT more than 1000 Black male and female registered predators in America. All you have to do is google it and 1000's of them pop up so everyone actually needs to deal and let me speak and stop getting upset when I speak the truth!

I am sick and tired of “fighting" racism, protecting the BLACK PREDATOR. Victims told to be quiet so outrage can be saved for the White man.


That is it. That is the message


The Ghetto Is Disgusting No One Wants That Life


Black Men Beat, Rape, Rob And Kill Black Women Who Protest For Their Rights