Liberal Or Conservative The Black Man Is Weak Without The White Man


Sorry not sorry. Black men all over the globe basically come in 2nd and are always rushing to be like white men. It's embarrassing. I would never beg for reparations or criminal reform to any White person when people in jail are 99% there because of the bad choices they make. Plenty of Black millionaires who could support their own better too.

They still beg though and that is some weak beta sauce.


Being a Black man means, beg White men, to be nice to them and give them money or they will throw a tempertanrum and tell a rich White man, who will fire or arrest them.

Lol it is insane to watch but at the same time beautiful because, the world is insane and we obviously all live on one planet and go thru hard times. So it is like God laughing and saying we need each other and race probably is a distraction from focusing on the issues inside our homes and minds.


Divestment Is Knowing You Built Yourself


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