Why Do Black Men Claim To Be Providers But Trash Women Who Only Date Providers?


Can the “Kangs” please get it together?

These optics are HORRIBLE!

No one respects the Black man in America unless treating him like a pet to be protected from the more powerful White man. That’s why I’m with a White man. What is the point of dating any man who needs another race to save him? So weak!

To my point, if a woman expects you to pay for her food she is not a gold digger. Provide or stop dating when you’re broke.

I literally hate how unintelligent society is as this point. Men who don't get they are not really men screaming at women over uber money online for the world to see that black men in 2020 for the most part are NOT real MEN. If you get annoyed at basic date logistics things, like paying for a lady to get home safe, you are not a REAL man. You’re a beta


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