3 Statements From Black Women On The Abuse In The Black Community



When I think about the abuse that Black women endure within the Black community, it makes me both sad and angry. We are the most abused demographic, yet nobody seems to care. We endure physical abuse, rape and murder at an extremely high rate from Black men. And we also endure emotional abuse from Black men, such as colorism and hate speech on social media. Anytime we speak out about it all, we are shut down. Our comments, posts, and pages get deleted just for telling the truth. We get attacked by other Black people for being sellouts, bedwenches, or agents for white supremacy. Yet for over a decade now, Black men have been allowed to slander Black women without consequence. I am tired of fighting what seems like an endless battle. I wish that the concerns of Black women like myself could be spread everywhere, without the gaslighting or hateful responses we normally receive.



I’m tired of the abuse from the black community specifically the men. No black women should have to deal with a group of men who remind them how undesirable they are when every other race uplifts their women. Black men are too busy talking about women’s hair styles, making a bunch of kids, committing crime etc, instead of building their communities up like other races of men do while protecting their women. A lot of black men’s behavior is very embarrassing and disappointing. No black women and girls should have to feel like they’re worthless and have their self esteem drained from black males who just want to use their wombs as incubators and just that. I want other black wine to know that despite the condition of the black community it’s not too late to divest and get out. Know your worth and know that you don’t have to settle for less.



My life has always been safer and more peaceful by avoiding black men. It’s literally just that simple. Seeing their behaviors as a collective from afar was more than enough for me to know to keep my distance. I haven’t been infected or robbed or beaten or abandoned with a child or put into dangerous situations.. or ever paid for a date just by avoiding them 9 in 10 women regardless of race lose badly once they deal with black men. I don’t like those odds so I don’t bother. Plus I don’t find their behaviors masculine or attractive .


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