Am I Damaged Or Rational?


If damaged means, that from 4yrs old to 35, I’ve interacted with black men that robbed, lied, verbally abused, mentally abused, raped and disrespected me then ok.

I think i’m rational. I’m not ONLY talking about romantic partners. I’m talking about them ALL. The mechanic working on my car to the internet installation tech servicing my modem. Even my old boss pulled out his genitals during a “work” video chat one time and kept harrasing me to date him when he would fly to LA for business. I always just used the excuse my son was sick or my car but yeah… I have only encountered about 10 black men that were completely respectful after a period of interaction. If the DMs could talk honey…

I’m not saying being attracted or shooting your shot is wrong but work is work and if I don't ask to see it, then I do not want to see it.

This is one of the many reasons why, at 35, I view MOST black men as humans who are inclined to sexual degeneracy. I’ve earned the insight. I would love to see them differently but i’m infact “Damaged”


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